I present to you my little buhito. I have placed it in the rearview mirror of my car where it is very funny and is knocking from side to side.
It measures about 7cm. I have made the eyes with the hot silicone drop technique.

Amigurumi Crochet Owl Free Pattern


Light brown, dark brown.
Start with light brown.
  • 1º- Make 6p magic ring (6pb)
  • 2º- 1aum. in each bp. (12 bp)
  • 3º- * * 1pb.1aum rep. all the way from * to * (18pb)
  • 4th-  * 2pb. 1aum. * Rep. all the way from * to * (24pb)
  • 5º-   * 3PB. 1aum. * Rep. all the way from * to * (30pb) 
  • 6th to 9th – 1pb in each bp. (30pb)
  • 10º- 10pb. Change color 10pb.Change color 10pb. (30 bp)
  • 11º- 9pb. Change color 12pb. Change color 9pb. (30 bp)
  • 12º- 2pb. 1aum 4pb 1aum Change color 4pb. 1aum 4pb 1aum 4pb Change color 1aum. 4pb 1aum 2pb (36pb)
  • 13º- 10pb. Change color 16pb. Change color 10pb. (36pb)
  • 14º-  10pb. Change color 16pb. Change color 10pb. (36pb)
  • 15º- 2PB. 1dism 4pb 1dism Change color 4pb. 1dism 4pb 1dism 4pb Change 1dism color. 4pb 1dism 2pb (30 bp)
  • 16º- 8pb. Change color 14pb. Change color 8pb. (30pb)
  • 17º- 3pb. 1dism 3pb Change 1dism color. 3pb 1dism 1dism 3pb 1dism Change 3pb color. 1dism 3pb (24pb)
  • 18º- 2pb. 1 dism. 2pb. 1 dism. Cambiar color
  • 19º- 1dism. 1pb. 1dism. 1pb. 1dism. 1dism. 1pb. 1dism. 1pb. 1dism. 1pb. (12pb)
  • 20th-   6dism. Close with pd. 

In the front part make several V-shaped tip, to simulate the feathers.

Light brown.
Make two.
  • 1º-  Make 6p magic ring (6pb)
  • 2º-  1aum. in each bp. (12 bp)
  • 3º-  * * 1pb.1aum rep. all the way from * to * (18pb). Close with pd. 
To make the wing: Fold the circle in half, sew the body through one of the halves leaving the opening forward.

Yellow and white color.

Make two.
  • 1 –  We start with yellow.  Make 6p magic ring (6pb)
  • 2º-  1aum. in each bp. (12 bp)
  • 3º-  Change the color * 1pb.1aum * rep. all the way from * to * (18pb). Close with pd. 

To make the eyes: We join the two circles by one end. We sew to the body. Once sewn we glue the silicone eyes.


Make two.
  • 1st – 4p magic ring (4pb)
  • 2º-  1aum. in each bp. (8pb). Close with pd. 

Sew to the body.


Color  Orange  .

Make two.
  • 1st – 4p magic ring (4pb)
  • 2º-  1aum. in each bp. (8pb). Close with pd. 

Sew between the two eyes.

Light brown.
Make two.
  • 1º- A cad. of 10p. turn.
  • 2º- The first three cad will be the first point. 2pa. 2pm 3pb Close with pd.

On the top of both eyes glue the plumes together. 

To make silicone eyes
Necessary material.
Rotulador permanente negro.
Papel vegetal o de horno.
Pistola de silicona.
Poner una gota de silicona caliente en papel vegetal 
Dejar enfriar y pintar con rotulador permanente

Amigurumi Crochet Owl Free Pattern Pictures:

You can find nice amigurumi recipes on our website. Amigurumi owl free recipe is waiting for you in this article. In addition to the amigurumi owl model that we shared in this article, many more amigurumi owl model images are waiting for you.